Monday, 22 December 2008

~Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha~

P/S: This post was written on 10th December 2008, 2 days after Aidiladha. Somehow, it was stuck half way before I'm able to finish it. Finally got it written today...dah basi dah pon.

Alhamdulillah, on 8th December (last Monday), all Muslim in UK and throughout the world have celebrating Aidiladha (Hari Raya Korban–translated to Bahasa Malaysia). Sambutan hari raya untuk kali ini begitu meriah, thanks to NMC and all Notts-Malaysian yang telah bersama-sama menganjurkan solat sunat hari raya dan juga jamuan.

This is the 3rd times I’m celebrating hari raya at Nottingham, alone (means without my family). The first time was on Hari Raya Aidilfitri, only about 2 weeks after I'd arrived from Malaysia. The 2nd was Hari Raya Aidiladha, a week after that Nani arrived from Malaysia for spending our 2nd honeymoon for about 2 weeks. However, I'm lucky on the last Hari Raya Aidilfitri which I'm able to celebrate it in Malaysia with our new born baby.

I'm now moving into a new home, quite far from the previous home. It took about a week for me to move all my things from the old house into the new one, plus arranging and buying some basic furniture. Landlord only provides basic white goods (small fridge, washing machine and kitchen). Alhamdulillah, now the home is fully completed, just waiting for my family to come in (ntah bila ntah boleh dapat datang :( )

Jom jalan2 around my home (house warming party has to be postponed until my family arrived).

Ruang tamu which is quite small. For the time being, this is the place where I spend most of my time at home, even tido pon kat atas sofa je.

Dapur and dining room yang ada meja makan + 3 kerusi...satu kerusi lagi dah patah kaki (memang beli kat ebay pon based on 1 table + 3 chairs). Got a small fridge yang cukup untuk simpan stok makanan seminggu untuk 1-2 org. Lagipon kedai kat sini dekat je.

Toilet yang fully carpeted...even kalau nak tido dalam toilet pon boleh. Tapi rimas juga bila toilet berkarpet camni. Sebab bila basah sure berbau. Omputih boleh la main lap2 camtu je kalau lepas buang air…but not me. So kena aa sediakan baldi n cebuk.

Bilik atas ada 2. ni tangga untuk naik ke bilik. Takde la curam sgt macam sesetengah rumah kat UK. Kira ok lagi la tangga cam nie. Sebelah kanan is my room. Bilik kiri tu konon2nya untuk guest and simpan barang2.

My room….memang agak kemas sbb jarang2 tido sini. Slalu kat bawah je. Almari kayu beli kat Argos. Pastu ada satu lagi gerobok yang memang built in.

Gambar kat belakang rumah nanti2 la snap...sbb skrg nie mmg malas nak kuar. But I've already cleaned everything on the backyards last 3 days...ntah mood apa ntah datang tiba2 rajin nak cuci laman time2 sejuk ni. Kira dah kemas la blkg tu. Boleh la nak ber BBQ time summer nanti.

So...this is my home.


zatiMJ said...

wah da move into new house ker?
leh la adik p lepak2 sana time winter nie. =P

Fauzan Mohd Jakarni said...

boleh je nak dtg...dtg samak n kemas2 rumah

zatiMJ said...

hoho samak n kemas? bole je. ade upah? =P. Anywy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Nak adiah turun plymouth. =)

Fauzan Mohd Jakarni said...

tq. nanti2 la turun plymouth. tunggu panas sket. time2 sejuk malas nak jalan

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